Analogs of the extremal shift rule for the case of nonstable bridge.
Yurii Averboukh, On modification of Krasovkii-Subbotin extremal shift rule // Differential Equations and Control Processes, 2006, â4
Ключевые слова: differential games, extremal shift rule.
Ключевые слова: differential games, extremal shift rule.
Вернуться в раздел Extremal Shift rule. Analogs
Соседние подразделы:
Nash Equilibrium
This section contains my papers devoted to the Nash Equilibrium in differential games.... |
Stackelberg Solutions of Differential Games
Reconstruction of Differential Games
The purpose of these papers is: by given value function find the differential game.... |
Geometrical Properties of Differential Games
The papers devoted to continuity of stable bridges.... |
Transformation of Guidance Problems
The transformation of the given approach problem to the approach problem "in the moment".... |
PhD Thesis
Supervisor: professor A.G. Chentsov Date of PhD defence: October 25, 2007 г. The text of thesis is in Russian.... |
The papers are devoted to the character of the convergence of the programmed absorption mathed. The coathor is professor A.G. Chentsov.... |